here you can listen to all of the tracks of my first album:
I am sure you can understand, why I had to reduce the quality of this samples.

01 - Beginn / The Beginning
02 - Hymnus / Hymn
03 - Folksong / Welsh Folksong
04 - Die
wilden Horden / The wild Hordes
05 - Lebensweg / The way of life
06 - Alban
Eiler / Alban Eiler
07 - Kelten / Celts
08 - Klagelied / Lament
09 - Lugnassad / Lugnassad
10 - Danach / Afterwards
11 - Erwachet / Awake
12 - Morgendämmerung / Dawn
13 - Kummet
Her / Come here
14 - Tadisz / Tadisz
- Die
Flamme der Weisheit / The Flame of Wisdom
16 - Ende / The End
Some of these tracks can be found in better quality at and Besonic.
That´s me :
I am really looking forward to any kind of feedback.